The shop is open on Wednesday and Friday mornings after drop off for half an hour.  If you can spare any time to help out please email Mrs Willmott on and she will pass your details on to the lovely volunteers. Without this help the shop cannot open.

Please see below the requirements for school uniform at Boxgrove, along with details regarding the second hand uniform shop we also run.  The price list is at the bottom of this page. Please ensure all uniform and any other item brought into school is named. 

Daily School Uniform

Grey trousers or shorts or skirt or pinafore (required, non-branded)

White shirt- polo or cotton (required, non-branded)

Red school sweatshirt or cardigan (required, branded)

Grey, black, red or white socks/tights (required, non-branded)

PE Kit

House colour PE t-shirt (required, branded)

House colour hoodie or zoodie (required, branded)

Red shorts (required, branded)

Black or grey or navy tracksuit bottoms (required, non-branded)

Swimming Kit

One piece swimsuit or trunks (required, non-branded, no board shorts or bikinis)

Swimming hat (required, non material, non-branded)


Other Items

Black shoes with closed toe (required, non-branded, no trainers, boots, high heels)

Trainers for PE (required, non-branded)

Summer cap (required summer term only, non-branded)

Bookbag (required, branded, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 only)

Bag (required, non-branded, Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 only)

Coat (suitable for season, non-branded)

The shop accepts cheques (payable to the BPTA) or credit/debit cards. The shop is run entirely by volunteers and your patience is appreciated.

If you cannot get to the shop on Friday, please email Mrs Willmott on Your order will then be given to the shop volunteers when they are next in. There is not a ‘mail order’ system. There will be a two week lead time for any orders placed via email. Please do not email in orders for items that are out of stock in the shop. We will send notifications out in the newsletter when the shop has had a bulk delivery.

Second hand uniform

We are accepting donations of clean, Boxgrove branded, good condition uniform (NO SHOES!). Currently we can no longer accept any grey trousers/skirts/shorts/dresses as we have no more space. Please either bag these up for the charity bin in the top car park or donate to a charity shop. We accept branded items, winter, summer and PE clothing, as long as they are still in good condition.  We will be selling second hand uniform regularly alongside the Uniform Shop. As we have been inundated with ‘grey’ non logo uniform, we are offering as much as you need for a small donation, please come along and see us if you need any. 

Please remember that the BPTA have a clothes recycling bin at the top car park for any other items. This can be accessed during drop off and pick up as the car park is locked during the school day.

Cost of School Uniform – 

We appreciate that the cost of school uniforms can be a barrier for some parents and cause an unnecessary financial burden. Children who receive the Pupil Premium Funding (Ever6, FSM, LAC and PLAC) will all be entitled to a 50% discount on a bundle of Boxgrove badged uniform per child each academic year (1x sweatshirt or cardigan, 1 x polo shirt, 1 x house zoodie, 1 x PE shorts, 1 x PE t-shirt).

We have a second-hand school uniform shop which offers uniform at a hugely discounted price.

If parents are still struggling with the cost of school uniform, they are encouraged to apply for support through the Hardship Fund policy. This can be found on our school website under policies.  

  • Non-branded refer to items that can be bought from any retailer (although some of these items may also be available from the school uniform shop).
  • Branded items refer to items that have the school logo or are specific in design (e.g. PE shorts) and are available from the school uniform shop, either new or second-hand (size availability will vary depending on what has been donated). 


Please ensure all uniform is named. All named items will find their way back to the Year Group, but any unnamed items will be given to the second hand shop. We no longer have a central lost property box. 


Sweatshirt (Age 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13 & Small Adult)£15.00
Cardigan (Age 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-11, 12-13)£15.00
Polo shirt  (Age 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-11, 12-13)£10.25
PE shirt      Grey-Thompson (Red) (Age 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-11, 12-13)£8.00
                    Redgrave (Blue) (Age 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-11, 12-13)£8.00
                    MacArthur (Green) (Age 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-11, 12-13)£8.00
                    Fry (Yellow) (Age 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-11, 12-13)£8.00
PE shirt (Small Adult)£9.50
PE House Zoodie (Zipped hoodie) (Age 5-6, 7-8, 9-11, 12-13)£16.50 
PE shorts (Waist size in inches 18-20, 22-24, 26-28, 30-32)£6.00
PE bag£7.00
Book bag£7.00
House mascot summer cap (Junior)£6.00
House mascot summer cap (Adult)£6.50