Boxgrove Prayer Group is a friendly group of like-minded Christian parents who believe prayer can have a positive impact on school life.  We come from a variety of different churches around the area.  The group is open to all parents and staff and anyone else with an interest in praying for the school.  We pray for blessing on different areas of school life.

You can email your prayer requests at [email protected].  All requests are prayed for in confidence – no details required.  

Meetings usually take place on a Monday at 1:30pm until school pick-up, in one of our homes, once per half term.  We would love to welcome you, and your pre-school child/ren, if you have any, for a time of chat, cake and prayer for the school community.  If you wish to come along, please drop us an e-mail at [email protected] or check the Weekly Newsletter for the most up-to-date information regarding the meeting date and venue.  


If you cannot attend the meeting, but are a keen baker, and would enjoy baking for Boxgrove Staff, the Prayer Group also organise a Staff Treat Day once per half term. 

For more information, please contact us via the e-mail address below:

Anna, Holly and Rosy – Prayer Group Co-ordinators, and Boxgrove mums!

How to contact us email: [email protected] or via the School Office (01483) 563701.